Now its official, the start of something big starts as an idea. As a wish.  A dream.

    The Energy Healers Organisation is the biggest of its kind in Africa and a world first to achieve something not done in any other country. A unified meeting of minds where many modalities have joined forces to ensure that what until now, has been seen as a fringe or alternative healing section of the health and well being industry is now a formal job creation machine and the public have the knowledge that the standards are of the  highest quality anywhere.

    Yet like so many other things that started small it was started and run for many years on a shoe string with help from people from many walks of life. The originators often went without to ensure that the dream did not die when all they had to do to have a luxury life was to just give up and give in to the outside forces that wanted to control South African modalities.

    With the web hosting being scrounged from one of the CEO’s own companies and hosting and web development costs covered just to get the word out,  promotional work done by the other directors at huge personal cost, the persistence is paying off.

    Its paying off in the way that the dream of sharing the self determination that these techniques allow,to share the knowledge for the community.  From self help to serious quantifiable benefits for the users of the techniques and methods the members of the community of expert practitioners, trainers and recognised quality service providers have been devoting many years of their lives to helping this process be completed.

    With little or no funding from outside sources the founding directors and committee members have helped in any way they can, from using their own pension money to fund trips to pre-scoping meetings, to paying out of their own pockets for the domains, web hosting and accounting costs.

    Then in 2011 we got our first outside funder with a donation of just R2000 and then again last year, part of this donation went to help keep the web sites afloat with the Rand tanking and the work load on the directors increasing exponentially we also took on a huge fund raising event that happened in 2015 and the money we raised from sales of Suzanne’s services and the benefits of that income given to the Organisation to ensure the dream did not die, nearly costing the CEO her marriage in the process, this has all been worth it, to see the dream continue with more and more people understanding what was at stake if this fails.

    With your help, it will succeed and create the five thousand job opportunities possible with the full funding required.

    Our mission is to equip as many communities  and community carers and elders with ground-breaking further tools, especially EFT, which has been proven to help remove the emotional blocks in the way of real drug recovery, removal of trauma, and children achieving their full potential.

    For those for whom EFT is too much, the gentler Reiki can be applied, and we have EFT and Reiki angels out in the community already. And with your help, there can be even more people that we can reach. Our AQP members are also eager to help and with your support we can succeed in being the industry body that makes sure that Energy Healers are looked after for the highest good.

    Your Donation is Urgently Needed

    Please donate what you (or your company) can. Please donate today, directly by bank transfer to our registered charity Bank Account if at all possible (minimizing banking charges):
    FNB Bayside: 62339126345
    Branch Code:203809
    IBAN Number/Swift code: FIRNZAJJ

    We already help with Cancer patients deal with the effects and emotional issues, abused women and Tik addiction in Cape Town and with remedial classes at a Cape Town school. But more work is needed, not only in the towns and cities, but also the often-forgotten rural areas. We are happy to train helpers in their communities for free (unless they can contribute) and in whatever language is required. They may need to pay for travel and board, but we plan to travel to wherever is needed, once our more urgent funding requirements are taken care of.

    To think it all started with a  dream.  Once you have provided the financial support we need to grow this into the future then perhaps the Organisation can give even more back to the community.